Integration of ChatGPT in the Translation and Post-Editing of Specialized Texts: A Study on its Application


  • Jahiro Samar Andrade Preciado Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Idiomas. Mexicali, México. Author
  • Héctor Javier Sánchez Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Idiomas. Ensenada, México Author
  • Cristian Gabriela Gallego Real Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Idiomas. Mexicali, México Author



Artificial Intelligence, Machine Translation, ChatGPT, Post-editing, Translation Competence


This study examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on specialized translation, using ChatGPT as the primary tool. Employing an empirical-exploratory and mixed-methods approach, it analyzes the strategies and translation skills of 15 advanced students from the Translation Bachelor’s Program at UABC while translating specialized texts from legal, medical, and scientific fields. It also describes the post-editing process and techniques used to enhance terminological accuracy and cultural appropriateness. Participants translated and post-edited three specialized texts, complementing the process with the creation of terminological glossaries. A specialized rubric was used to evaluate translation quality, while Translog-II software measured efficiency and time spent on each task. The objectives were to analyze the translation process and strategies employed with ChatGPT in translating specialized texts, and to describe the post-editing techniques used by students in their final academic stage. Preliminary results show a significant improvement in the efficiency and quality of translations due to the use of AI tools, highlighting the positive impact of ChatGPT on the development of specific translation competencies. Students expressed a favorable perception of the experience, emphasizing the usefulness of these tools in facilitating and optimizing the translation process


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How to Cite

Andrade Preciado JS, Sánchez Ramírez HJ, Gallego Real CG. Integration of ChatGPT in the Translation and Post-Editing of Specialized Texts: A Study on its Application. LatIA [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];3:129. Available from: